Affordable website proofreading at scale

Spling credits are used to check a website's spelling and grammar. Spling has simple pricing and generous bulk discounts. 1 credit = 1 page checked.

Spling pricing, get page credits used to spell check websites.
Spling page credit icon

Try for free

  • Create a website report for free
  • It will not include full results
  • See how Spling works before buying



Most Popular
  • Check up to 100 pages
  • Up to 200,000 words
  • Money-back guarantee



+35% Discount
  • Human customer support
  • Up to 2,000,000 words
  • Money-back guarantee



+73% Discount
  • Human customer support
  • Configurations for local, staging, and private sites
  • Need more than 4,000 pages?
Spling money-back guarantee

Spling's money-back guarantee

Spling offers a generous money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results of your website's spelling and grammar check, let us know, and we'll refund your purchase.

Spling for teams

Spling business plans allow teams to share credits and collectively benefit from efficient bulk discounts. Automate website checks, get Spling API access, and send reports directly to specific team members.

Get bulk, enterprise, and API pricing
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